It’s preferred that you book classes in advance, so that we know how many students will be in each class. However, walk-ins are welcome and will be accommodated if space permits.
Yoga is for everybody! We’ve created a safe and supportive community. You don’t need to be flexible to do yoga, you don’t need to have any knowledge of yoga. You just need to show up as you are and be willing to explore and try something new. Our teachers will offer modifications, so that every class is accessible even if you’re a beginner.
Our teachers are trained to make every class accessible to all levels. We have class descriptions listed to help you decide. You can also speak to any teacher to ask for guidance. We recommend you try them all and see which classes you like best.
Dress comfortably, so that you can move freely. It’s best not to wear clothing that is baggy and might impede your movement in any way. The only requirement is no shoes can be worn in the practice space.
If you don’t have a mat we have mats that you can use. We also have blocks, blankets, straps and bolsters for use during class.
Please arrive at least 10 minutes before class so that you have time to get your mat set up and settle in before class begins. Arriving early also allows you to catch up with your fellow yogis in class! Connection and community are a big part of our studio. The doors will be locked at the start of class.
Yes! The studio is located in the Granwood Village Shopping Center (with Urban Air). We have a very large, well-lit parking lot.